Seeking The Path

A journey into discovering the meaning of life

Archive for the tag “Crucified”

Jesus Christ Crucified Was Written On Your Eyes Galatians_3:1_literal_Greek

Jesus suffered, bled, and died for my sins.

Because Jesus bore my sins in His body on the tree: I am right with God; and God is with me; and I am justified, righteous, and holy; and I am baptised, filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit; and I am blessed.

Father, exalted be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Father, please pour out Your Spirit and save everyone alive and yet to live.

Jesus, You are the Messiah, the Son of God, You died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and on the third day, You rose back to life, as a result: I am in You and You are in me.

The Legacy of the Crucified Messiah

1 Corinthians 1:30 (NIV): “It is because of God that we are in Christ Jesus… He is our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.”

We are indeed justified, righteous, and holy. It is not through our own merits or deeds that we make this claim, but rather through the profound sacrifice of Jesus, who willingly bore the weight of the cross for the salvation of all humanity.

In the crucible of His suffering and the ultimate act of selflessness, we find our justification. Jesus, the Son of God, chose to endure the agony of crucifixion, a divine transaction that forever altered the course of history. As He hung upon that rugged cross, bearing the sins of the world, He paved the way for our righteousness. His perfect life, willingly surrendered, became our mantle of righteousness, clothing us in purity and grace.

But it doesn’t end there, for in the crucifixion, we are also immersed, filled, and overflowing with the Holy Spirit. The very essence of divinity, the Spirit of God, was poured out upon all believers as a direct consequence of Jesus’ sacrificial act. This Holy Spirit, an eternal wellspring of power and comfort, envelops us, filling every crevice of our being with His divine presence. Overflowing, we stand not as isolated vessels but as conduits of God’s love, radiating His grace to the world.

Yes, we are truly blessed, for the cross of Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of our blessings. His sacrifice brought forth an abundance of spiritual riches, pouring out blessings that cannot be measured. Through His crucifixion, we are reconciled with the Almighty, adopted into His family, and granted the inheritance of eternal life.

We are profoundly moved by the realization that Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, the Son of God, willingly embraced the agony of the cross for our sins. He descended into the depths of death, only to triumphantly rise on the third day, breaking the chains of sin and death. This act of unfathomable love and physical resurrection has woven us into the very fabric of His Spirit. We find our identity in Him, and He in us. It is a union of souls, an intimate connection.

Let us remember and cherish the crucifixion of Jesus, for in it lies our justification, our righteousness, our holiness, our immersion in the Holy Spirit, and our abundant blessings. Through the cross, we find our identity in the risen Christ, and in Him, we discover the fullness of life and grace.

1 Corinthians 1:30 (NLT): “God has united us with Christ Jesus… Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin.”

(Romans 5:1-2, Ephesians 1:5-7, Galatians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

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