Seeking The Path

A journey into discovering the meaning of life

Be an excellent farmer

Thoughts on the parable of the farmer (Mark 4) and 2 Corinthians 2:14: “now
thanks be unto God who causes us to triumph in Christ”

When God teaches us that we have victory in Christ, some receive the message
with joy and praise the Lord for the victory he has accomplished. Then Satan
immediately comes and distracts us with troubles, temptations, worries and
desires for other things, and at this point we normally doubt or even forget
the message of victory. What we normally don’t understand is that the message
of victory is a seed. And we need to plant it in our hearts. We need to water
our minds with the message each day until, with perseverance, a tree of victory
bears much fruit. Even then a wise farmer continues to water the tree. So, the
tree can grow and bear even more fruit. Don’t doubt the message that God
through Jesus won the victory. Farmers never throw seeds into the fields and then
forget about them. They work the ground so they can plant the seeds deep. Let
the word dwell deep in your heart and like a good farmer water it each day and
fight off the wild animals and thieves that come to destroy the crops. In due
season, with the daily remembrance of the message of victory, a life of victory will be produced.

Also remember all the victories God has already given us over the years.
Satan’s biggest trick is to quote scripture to justify the lack of victory.

God has blessed us (past tense) with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3) You have received (past tense) the Spirit of love, power and self-control (2 timothy 1:7) You are not in the flesh you are in the Spirit (present tense) (Romans 8:9) Let the word of Christ dwell richly in you (Colossians 3:16) you shall meditate on it day and night (Joshua 1:8) don’t be lazy,  but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:12)

2 Corinthians 2:14: “now thanks be unto God who causes us to triumph in Christ” (present tense)

Edit: Please read my response to who the Bible says the farmer is.

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2 thoughts on “Be an excellent farmer

  1. Adrian, thank you so much for publishing your reflections on the precious Word of God. Yes! Our hearts are soil…living soil. We have a responsibility to be good soil. Our hearts are also stones…living stones. We have a responsibility to be good stones. The beauty of these analogies is that their is a clear distinguishing of the role of Father God and our role. Personally, I like to think of him as the farmer. He does the planting. He does the watering. We are the soil and we have a responsibility to deepen our hearts to his word, to not allow weeds to grow etc. He is also the builder. He places us in his family, in his house. Our responsibility is to stay put where he has placed us. Not to jostle those around us. To be the best stones that we can possibly be.

    • Hi, Nic

      Thank you for your input. The bible is extremely complex, and I agree mostly with your comment above. This one of the few parables Jesus explains in detail. Yet Jesus doesn’t identify the farmer. Is the farmer God, yes, I agree, yet Paul says to Timothy: “Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. A soldier refrains from entangling himself in civilian affairs, in order to please the one who enlisted him. Likewise, a competitor does not receive the crown unless he competes according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to partake of the crops. Consider what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all things.” (2 Timothy 2: 3-7). Of course this can be interpreted as the preacher being the farmer.

      Yet there’s one verse that I would ask you to consider. Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” This clearly shows every individual is the farmer of their own lives.

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